Mixing Olive Oil and Salt Gives You 5 Years Of A Pain-Free Life

It’s truly unfortunate how the majority of the world’s population relies solely on prescribed drugs and medications when faced with a health issue refusing to use all of the benefits natural products offer. This, of course, is not a good thing because every pharmaceutical product shows side effects later in the future and causes addiction.

This is the reason why natural remedies are more recommended. Their effects are not only better but also come without consequences.

For example, in case you have neck osteochondrosis, a painful condition, you are recommended to treat it using home remedies instead regular medications. Here is a remedy that is very easy and simple to prepare if you follow these simple rules.


  • Twenty tablespoons of unrefined olive oil or sunflower oil
  • Ten tablespoons of good quality salt


Here is what you are supposed to do: mix both ingredients in a glass bowl, and seal or cover it. Two days later, the remedy is ready to use.


Apply this mixture on the affected area every morning right after you wake up. All you have to do is rub it against the skin. Do not forget that you should begin with two or three minutes and increase the time of rubbing with time. According to the experts, a twenty minute massage will provide you with more than enough benefits.

Once you are done rubbing, wipe the mixture off your skin using wet or dump towel. In case that your skin gets pink or irritated, apply some baby powder on to soothe it.

After a while, you will notice the amazing results of this treatment. Ten days after you started applying it, your blood circulated will be improved and the muscles, as well as the bones and the cartilages will start regenerating.

Read also: 21 Ways to Get Rid of a Headache Instantly Without Taking Any Medication or Pills

Only in ten days you will be able to tell a huge difference and a significant improvement. It will eliminate the migraines and the bad circulation, even the blurred vision.

Moreover, this remedy will help you eliminate the toxins from your body and accelerate your metabolism. Once you rub the remedy onto your skin, you will feel light headed or a little bit dizzy, but you should not panic because this is completely normal and totally worth it. It does not have side effects.

This is why you need to try this remedy for treating any mentioned issue.