All of us have gone through this chickenpox. Some people most likely even now remember exactly what it’s like to have the chicken pox, but if you can not, we understand that you absolutely recognize the experience of not being able to scratch something when it’s itching.
Visualize that times a few thousand! There, now that you keep in mind what it felt like, do you know what your parents did to relieve the irritation?
Well, just like us, Hayley’s son Lewis recently came down with a case of chickenpox, so Hayley took him to the hospital. At the hospital, the doctors prescribed Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory medication commonly used to treat chicken pox.
Following doctor’s orders, Hayley gave it to her son. Why would she question a doctor’s orders? However, Lewis’s condition got worse.
As Lewis’ health declined, his temperature continued to rise. His the chicken pox became severely blistered. Even though Lewis’ doctors said it was just a ‘normal’ case of chickenpox and that the ibuprofen should be working, Hayley’s gut instinct told her otherwise.
Later on, Hayley found out that Lewis had contracted septicemia. He was immediately admitted to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. This was only possible because Hayley stuck to her motherly instincts and brought Lewis to a hospital. Now, Hayley has made it her mission to warn other parents about the dangers of treating chickenpox with ibuprofen.
She shared the images of Lewis, which has been shared more than 430,000 times already. And now thanks to Hayley’s efforts, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence no longer recommends that ibuprofen be used to treat chickenpox.
This is also stated on the nurofen website.
Many parents are thanking Hayley for speaking out about her experience and making sure other parents were informed so that this does not happen to other children.
Hayley wrote on Facebook, “I’m so thankful to everyone for sharing the post so that something will now be done about it. These medical professionals are now going to ensure that all doctors know the risks and hopefully they’ll no longer prescribe it.
I will not stop raising awareness until these types of medicines are labelled with the risks of this being prescribed to someone with chickenpox.”
Read also: This Child Felt Something Bite His Hand and Crawl Down His Finger. When He Saw What It Was, He Was Terrified.
Please SHARE this post with your friends and family, since this is something that all parents should be aware of!