This Powerful Naturally Made Mixture Successfully Removes All Types Of Stains: The Results Are Unbelievable!

You’ve probably come to terms with the fact that stains are an inevitable part of our everyday lives, you don’t even stress as much. They can mess up a piece of clothing, furniture, carpet, shoes etc. The golden rule with stains is to react right away; you can remove it only if it’s still fresh.

We are about to share a few important tips in this article including a recipe for an amazing homemade remover that will eliminate the stubbornest of stains.

The best thing about this stain remover is that you can prepare it using only few things that you normally have at your home. And here is the recipe for this amazing homemade stain remover.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 100ml of liquid soap
  • 100ml of 9% alcohol
  • 100ml of mineral water
  • spray bottle
  • brush


The only thing you need to do in order to prepare this stain remover is mix together all the ingredients and pour the resulting mixture in a spray bottle. Next thing you need to do is apply this mixture on the stain and wait for about 10-15 minutes.

After that, clean the stain with a brush. For older and “stubborn” stains, you will need to repeat the procedure.

Read also: 42 Simple Tricks You Need to Know if You Love Having a Clean Home