Among the most common gestures, that is sort of everyone’s nasty habit, is nail biting . This is normally a characteristic of those who are anxious, nervous, scared or just plain bored. Regardless of the reason, this is something that you should stop this instance. You don’t think it’s that big of a deal? You will. Continue reading.
Sara Guidry is a worried mother that took to Facebook for the purpose of raising awareness about the nail biting-related dangers. With her friends she shared the story about her son, Kale, who had been biting his nails for a long time.
She began to notice something was off when odd white materials appeared in her son’s gums. After pulling them out with the help of some tweezers, she discovered that they were in fact nails embedded into his pallet!
According to Sara, Kale must have been playing with his nails and pushed them upwards. She was surprised to recover 31 nail fragments from her son’s gums.
Kale has always kept us on our toes. Looking in Kale’s mouth I see something white in his gums. I get a tweezer and pull it. It looked like a finger nail. I continued to pull 4 more out. I then search his mouth and find another area. I pulled around 27 out of the second spot. YES 27! The dentist has never seen anything like this. We figured out that Kale bites his nails and plays with them in his mouth. He pushes them up towards his pallet. The nail penetrates the skin and goes into a pocket between the baby teeth and permanent teeth. Don’t let your children bite their nails! If you can handle the disgust check out the video”
Watch the video below!
(For licensing or usage, contact has always kept us on our toes. Looking in Kale's mouth I see something white in his gums. I get a tweezer and pull it. It looked like a finger nail. I continued to pull 4 more out. I then search his mouth and find another area. I pulled around 27 out of the second spot. YES 27! The dentist has never seen anything like this. We figured out that Kale bites his nails and plays with them in his mouth. He pushes them up towards his pallet. The nail penetrates the skin and goes into a pocket between the baby teeth and permanent teeth. Don't let your children bite their nails! If you can handle the disgust check out the video
Posted by Sara Guidry on Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Sara’s warning immediately went viral and her post has already garnered more than 51,000 Facebook reactions as of this writing. It has also been shared more than 200,000 times. Because of Sara’s warning, parents from across the country have expressed their concerns regarding their kids’ unstoppable nail biting habits.