Amazing Ginger Beer: Treats Arthritis,Stomach and Prevents Cancer!

A lot of people use ginger to treat different well being conditions for example, stomach sicknesses and joint pain. You can get ready your ginger beer at home by using some fresh ginger, with some lemon juice and sugar.

Can ginger reduce pain and inflammation?

With its health benefits ginger is proven to have calming properties when it comes to pain in the back and muscles. Many clinical studies and reviews have proved that ginger can help people suffering from degenerative or rheumatoid arthritis and chronic pain.


-200 grams of peeled and finely chopped ginger
-450 ml of filtered water
-20 grams of sugar
-120 ml of mineral water
-Several drops of lime juice
-1 lemon slice
-A little bit of organic honey


Put the filtered water in a large pot and put it on heat to boil. After the water starts boiling, add the ginger. Reduce the heat and cook for 5 minutes. Then, leave the mix to rest for 20 minutes and strain the liquid. In another pot, start preparing the syrup: dissolve the sugar in a cup of filtered water and boil the mixture.

Combine ½ a cup of ginger juice with 1/3 cup of the syrup and ½ a cup of mineral water. Add the honey and the lime juice.(optionally:decorate with lemon slices.)

Health Benefits of Ginger Beer

Ginger is extremely helpful when it comes to relieving stomach problems. It can improve the digestive process as well. Ginger reduces bad cholesterol and high blood sugar levels. Ginger beer reduces the symptoms of cold and flu, and improves blood circulation, and prevents cancer.