6 Reasonable Explanation For Your Inability To Get A Flat Stomach

You’re not the only one who struggles to lose weight. It’s a long and draining process, especially for the abdominal area but it is so worth it. Some people set their minds to it and try to achieve it radically so they turn to extreme dieting and exausting workouts just to eliminate the belly fat.

A lot of them are not able to get the desired result and this could be due to a lot of reasons. You might not know it, but it can be any of the following.

1. Lack of Sleep

Sleeping for less than six hours a day can be associated with weight gain. A study on 70,000 women suggests that those who only sleep five hours or less can gain around 30 pounds.

2. You are Doing the Wrong Exercises

When you are doing the wrong workouts, then you will not burn a lot of fats. If you think crunches will flatten out your belly, then you are wrong. You rather do functional exercises that make use of the abdominal, back, pelvic, and oblique muscles. With functional exercises, you can burn more calories because you use different kinds of muscles which appear to be challenging.

3. You are Getting Older

Many changes occur in the body when you add years to your age. As you get older, one of the changes that you will experience is slowed metabolism. When your metabolic rate declines, the likelihood of weight gain is high. As for women, there is a high possibility of dealing with belly fats after menopause due to the decrease of estrogen and progesterone hormones.

4. Processed Foods

If you are eating too much crackers, chips, white bread, and sweetened drinks, then you will not lose weight. These processed foods will only increase inflammation in the body. Instead, consume natural foods such as fruits and vegetables.

5. Unhealthy Fats

Weight gain can also be related to consumption of wrong fats. These fats are referred to as the saturated fat that can be found in dairy products and meat which have inflammatory properties. For you to maintain a healthy and fit physique, opt for fats that can be found in olive oil, avocados, fatty fish, and walnuts.

6. Stress

Stress can add toll to your weight gain. During your stress period, you might resort to highcalorie foods. On top of this, your cortisol level may also increase which is associated to development of visceral fats.

No More Reasoning

There are a lot of reasons why you are not losing weight. However, some of the reasons can be overcome if you are determined to push through your limits.

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