They Look Amazing After Changing Their Habits

Getting the treatment for your loved ones needs a great deal of compromises. Whenever you’re looking after other people, it’s hard to concentrate on your own personal desires, due to the fact that you are fighting to simply get through the day. The following is exactly what happened to Cheryl Shaw, a 50-year-old woman dwelling in New Jersey.

Cheryl is a single mother with 2 children, who works 12-hour shifts in the emergency room. Mainly because she hardly had time to take proper care of her kids and to put meals on the table, Cheryl was not the most effective at getting proper care of herself.

One day, though, Cheryl came across a video that would change her life forever. It was a video about a woman’s weight loss journey. After watching the video, Cheryl wanted to change her lifestyle as well.

Together with Tessa, her 17-year old daughter, Cheryl decided to take the “Giveit100” challenge. They were going to spend the next 100 days working out, and maintaining a healthy diet.

As they embarked on the challenge, Cheryl and Tessa decided to film a video to record their 100-day weight loss journey. In the video, Cheryl says,

“I’m a single mom and they depend on me. I’m all they have.”

She also admitted that she needed to change, saying:

“I’m definitely an emotional eater, and my daughter takes after me. We’re sick of looking like this, and it’s time to get the weight off and work hard.”

When they first started the challenge, Cheryl weighted around 256 pounds, while Tessa weight about 181 pounds. But just 100 days later, they looked amazing!!!

Cheryl lost 42 pounds, and Tessa lost 32. And that wasn’t the end. After filming the final video to show their 100 days of weight loss journey, both Cheryl and Tessa actually lost even more weight. Tessa is now 135 pounds, and Cheryl is 149 pounds.

Check out this video if you want to learn more about their weight loss journey.

See also: Eating Chocolate In The Morning Increases Weight Loss! Here’s Why!

I’m sure that having someone as a partner definitely helped them throughout the 100 days. I hope this wonderful relationship between a mother and a daughter continues, even though their challenge is over!