Do This Once A Week For Weight Loss And Energy Enhancement!

Our organism requires food to restore and recharge itself. But as odd as it may sound, fasting will actually bring vitality and rejuvenate each one of your cells. Refusing your cells food from time to time —say, for half a day to 16 one day a week—can improve the function of the mitochondria, the energy powerhouse generator for the cells.

Food restriction also helps your body lower the rate of cellular death. Fasting of this type can significantly improve metabolic efficiency. You don’t need as much sleep and your body begins to need less food. It’s as though you’re practicing, one day a week, for a time when you need no food at all and can live entirely on the SPIRIT (the seventh of the Seven Systems of Full-Spectrum Health which focuses on connection, purpose, “soul).

Of course, as long as we live and breathe, occasionally going without food can actually be good for the body as well as the SPIRIT. Here’s a small sampling of research on the benefits of fasting and calorie restriction:

Prolonged fasting seems to reduce levels of a hormone called IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), a substance that contributes to aging and perhaps to some cancers. Researchers believed that by reducing IGF-1, fasting contributed to cell renewal and regeneration.

Similar research found that fasting supported stem cell regeneration. We used to believe that stem cells were irreversibly destroyed by the aging process. Apparently, calorie restriction helps to reverse the effects of aging.

Fasting seemed to improve the mood of depressed and aging men. Researchers observed “significant decreases in tension, anger, confusion, and total mood disturbance and improvements in vigor.”

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