Three Amazing Plants That Generate Oxygen Even at Night

It is known that plants and trees are the lungs of the earth.Photosynthesis is the procedure in which the plants create oxygen fundamental for our living.All in all, they have important part, correct?

Also, houseplants can eliminate chemical toxins, bio-effluents, airborne microbes, thus improving the quality of the air in our homes and offices.

But, did you know that there are some plants which are able to release oxygen even at night time? They can uptake carbon dioxide during the night due to their ability to perform a photosynthesis known as Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM).

Nowadays, the number of people who suffer from sleep disorders is extremely high. There are different medications, teas, relaxations techniques which can solve the problem, but if they didn’t solve your problem, you are in the right place!

Today we will tell you how these 3 amazing plants can improve your sleep and rest. Finally, you will say goodbye to those sleepless nights!

1. Snake plants

This incredible plant has the ability to convert CO2 during the daytime to oxygen at night. According to the experts, you will have to put a few plants with good size in your bedroom in order to obtain its full benefits.

The snake plant can remove formaldehyde, a toxin most commonly found in indoor air, released by adhesives, facial tissues, drapes, tobacco smoke, paints, plywood, furniture, floor coverings, ceiling tiles, upholstery, stain varnishes, fabrics, etc.

2. Spider plant

The Spider Plant is also an extremely effective air cleanser. According to the NASA tests, this plant can remove 90% of the potentially cancer-causing chemical formaldehyde from the air.

This ingredient is commonly found in household products like fillers, grout, and adhesives, so make sure to keep one of these plants around them. Moreover, this amazing plant will promote better sleep, sustain oxygen levels in the room, and absorb odors and fumes.

3. Peepal tree

Peepal tree, Ficus religiosa or commonly known as Bodhi tree, bo tree, peepul and sacred fig is native to southwest China, Southeast Asia, India, and the Himalayan foothills. It can be grown in the St. Louis area as a container plant or in frost-free areas as an ornamental shade tree

As we mentioned previously, plant uptake Carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the day and uptake oxygen and release Carbon dioxide during the night. Peepal tree or Ficus religiosa can perform a photosynthesis known as photosynthesis Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, thus having the ability to uptake Carbon dioxide during the night.

