Even the Smallest Body Sign Can Be an Indicator of Serious Disease (Hiccups, Ringing Ears, Popping Joint)

The human body sometimes sends particular signs or sounds which mostly we ignore them. But we need to start paying more attention on these signs, because they can be reliable indicators of some serious health problems. Bellow in this article are listed some body signs that people experience on a daily basis and their meanings:

Ringling in Your Ears

You have probably noticed that your ears ring after some music concert. Nevertheless, this ringing can also be a result of an ear condition named tinnitus. Certain infection causes ear ringing which mostly affects older people. Your brain actually interprets the sounds waves that your ears emit. The tinnitus emits faint sound waves to the brain continuously.

Make sure to consult with your physician if you experience some pain in your ears or vertigo because it can indicate certain neurological diseases.

Your Joints Keep Popping

If you experience popping sounds in your joints, it means there is some problem with the fluid which lubricates our joints in order to prevent the bones from grinding. Moreover, the popping can cause pain, limited mobility or stiffness, which indicates that your ligament is ruptured.

You are affected by an early stage of osteoarthritis if the popping causes grinding.

A Whistling Nose

There are two reasons why whistling occurs, the first one being mucus accumulation in the nasal cavity. When it comes to the second reason, a whistling nose is caused by a tear in the cartilage due to some accident with your nose. Luckily, it can be solved with a surgery. However, make sure to consult your doctor before going for surgery.


Interruption in our breathing causes the hiccups which cause our diaphragm to start to spasm. When we are too excited or after a meal, the vagus and the phrenic which control the diaphragm get stimulated.

The main reason why people hold their breath in order to stop the hiccups is because holding the breath for a longer period of time will result with too much carbon dioxide in the lungs, which relaxes the diaphragm and disables the hiccups. However, in some cases, the hiccups get prolonged up to 48 hours due to irritation of the nerves, so if this happens to you, make sure to consult your doctor.

Even scarier is the fact that hiccups indicate stroke, when they are followed with a shortness of breath or pain. So if you experience this, make sure to visit your doctor immediately.

See also: 12 Things Your Body Does as a Defense Mechanism