She Experienced Terrible Discomfort in Her Private Part, So She Went to Seek advice from a Gynecologist

A blog writer known as Michelle Barrow, has shared very uncommon private story, in a post called “It happened to me”. It is about one issue that this lady discovered while she went to her typical yearly OB/GYN visit. She discovered that the most uncommon thing got caught in her “private area”.

Several weeks prior to her scheduled appointment, Michelle, who is a happy cat lover, felt some lower stomach pain. She explained that to her gynecologist and he instantly assumed it was an ovarian cyst.

But she couldn’t believe that this problem is connected with her cat, right after her doctor found a hairball between her legs, and not an old tampon or sanitary napkin as she thought it might be.

She also thought that it was her own hair, but after all, she was very wrong. Maybe everyone of you who reads this article will ask himself/herself how all this happened.

The answer is very simple, but also strange. Michelle sleeps with her cats, even though she has a fiancé and shares the bed with him, he didn’t mind that. The reason for her problem was that the cats were leaving hairballs on their bed sheets, and during a se*ual act, a piece of hairball entered in her “private area”.

She said: My fiance and I don’t use condoms so it will be very easy for him to unknowingly have some hair on his pe*is and during s*x it’d be very easy that hair to migrate to my strings where everything got all tangled up.

The thought still scares me.

But after all, she says that her abdominal pain has gone and that everything feels normal regarding her vagina. But there is often present the feeling of horror and unease that a hairball was there once. Because of that, you should keep your dogs or cats as far as possible from your bed, no matter how much you love and adore them.

You should be very careful!

