Eating 3 Eggs a Day Can Do Wonders!

There are many people who like vegetarian and vegan or paleo diet, and most critical parts are when persons diet comes to getting the best out of food that consume. But if you eating eggs every day can do amazing things for your health without you are worried about cholesterol. Amount of cholesterol in eggs contain 180-186 mg and your liver is producing about 1000-2000 mg per day.

Eating eggs will not spike your cholesterol levels but instead replacing a cholesterol with a different cholesterol. Other than that, eating eggs is more than important to anyone’s diet!

1. Bones

Since eggs contain vitamin D and calcium, they are the perfect source to strengthen your bones as they develop with your workout routines. Vitamin D will also naturally improve your body’s absorption of calcium.

Related: After Reading This You Will Never Throw Away Eggshells!

2. Muscles

Eating eggs is also just as essential to build more muscles. Consuming two eggs can provide your body with the same amount of protein of one serving of meat without ever having to expose yourself to the acidity and fat of the meat.

3. Nutrients

Aside from the physical building power that eggs have, they are loaded with a variety of nutrients that your body needs in order to grow.

They are filled with riboflavin, folate, iron, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, vitamin A, E, and B6. Eggs really are one of the best foods you could ever have in your diet.

4. Aids Weight Loss

Since eggs are a wonderful source of almost everything your body could ever need, they are perfect in helping with losing weight.

They do not contain many calories and even have been proven by the American College of Nutrition as well as the International Journal of Obesity that eggs for breakfast can reduce the amount of food that you consume throughout your daily routines.

This means you will not gain anymore weight since you already had an amazing breakfast with an amazing food in your stomach already!

Hopefully this has inspired you into eating healthier and experimenting with your egg choices.

