You possibly can make all sorts of functional things using plastic jar caps. This trick is usually super attractive the cooking area, particularly if you wish to calculate out ingredients. Here is a approach to create your own plastic tip cap swiftly, cheaply, and easily together with an ordinary soda jar cap.
You’ll need:
- Plastic cap (e.g. from a soda bottle or water bottle)
- Toothpick
- Lighter
- Forceps or pliers
Here’s how:
First, cut off one of the sharp ends of the tooth pick with a pair of scissors. Then remove the cap from the plastic bottle and hold it steadily with a pair of pliers or forceps.
Hold the plastic cap away from you to make sure you don’t injure yourself. Then heat the top side of the cap using the lighter. Make sure the plastic doesn’t turn black.
Once the plastic is soft enough, pierce the middle of the cap with the blunt end of the toothpick until you have a nice long cylinder.
The plastic will get stuck on the toothpick and a sharp point facing outward will solidify. Pull the toothpick out once the plastic has hardened and cut the sharp end off so that the lid has a small opening.
Your new nosed cap can be screwed back onto the plastic bottle and now you have your own plastic dispenser. This works great for oil, glue, or other liquids that you need to exactly squeeze somewhere.
Watch the video for a step-by-step guide:
From time to time, everyone wants a bottle that you can use to measure out precise amounts easily. With this trick, you can create one all by yourself. I’ll definitely remember this for the future.