16 Practical Mouthwash Uses You Never Knew About

Did anyone ever tell you about the numerous mouthwash uses besides providing breath freshness? Moutwash can be used as an antiseptic and contains antifungal properties that are really handy for a lot of everyday tasks, from treating acne and dandruff to cleaning your glasses and keeping feet odor free.

We at Freshsein found 16 surprising and money-saving uses for mouthwash that have nothing to do with your teeth.

1. Eliminates odor

It helps to eliminate any lingering odors:

  • After cutting onion, garlic, or fish in the kitchen, simply rub a little mouthwash into your hands.
  • Place some mouthwash on a washcloth, and massage your feet with it after a shower to keep foot odor at bay.
  • You can also prevent your kitchen garbage from stinking by placing cotton balls or paper towels soaked in mouthwash inside the trash bin.

2. Helps cure fungus on your nails and feet

Mix 2 equal parts of mouthwash and vinegar. Moisten a cotton ball with the mixture, and apply it to the nails and/or feet 2 to 3 times a day. If you do this consistently, in a couple of weeks you will see the results.

3. Prevents dandruff

Mouthwash has antifungal properties, which makes it perfect to fight dandruff. Before bathing, mix 1 part water with 1 part mouthwash. Once you have washed your head with your regular shampoo, apply this mixture to your scalp, let it sit for a few minutes, and then rinse.

4. Relieves mosquito bites

Mosquito bites are very common…and very annoying. Use a cotton ball soaked with mouthwash on the affected area. This will effectively reduce swelling and itching.

5. Can be used as a facial toner

If you are out of facial toner, you can use mouthwash instead. Not only does it remove any excess makeup and dirt but it also fights pimples. Dab some mouthwash onto a cotton ball and apply it over your face, but don’t try it if you have chemical-sensitive skin.

6. Prevents infection

If you got a new body piercing or a tattoo, mouthwash will help your skin heal faster and prevent infections. Simply apply some mouthwash onto the blisters every day.

7. Prevents bruising

To save yourself from an unpleasant bruise (or at least reduce its appearance), dab some mouthwash onto a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area.

8. Can be a good deodorant

This is an ideal trick to save you from an embarrassing situation. Take a cotton ball, soak it in mouthwash, and dab into your armpits.

9. Prevents lice

Mouthwash is also very effective for killing head lice. Saturate the hair with mouthwash, put a shower cap on, and leave for 15-20 mins. When the time is up, rinse the hair with water.

10. Relaxes your feet

To soothe tired and sore feet, immerse them in a container with warm water and 2 or 3 caps of mouthwash. Sit for at least 15 minutes.

11. Bottle cleaner

Cleaning the insides of bottles and removing the smells from them can be a challenge. You can avoid this if you pour a mixture of 1 part mouthwash and 3 parts water inside the bottle, let it stand overnight, and then rinse.

12. Clean your toothbrush

Mouthwash has antiseptic properties, therefore it’s perfect for cleaning your toothbrush. Just soak your toothbrush bristles in mouthwash for several minutes (it’s best to leave it overnight), then rinse thoroughly with hot water.

13. Clean your glasses

Your glasses will be perfectly clean if you apply a little mouthwash and remove it with a soft cloth.

14. Clean your bathroom

If you want to make your dull tiles look like new, clean them with a mixture of 1 cup of water and half a cup of mouthwash.
To get rid of germs and odors in the toilet area, pour half a cup of mouthwash down your toilet and let sit for an hour. Then swirl it around with a toilet brush.

15. Keep mosquitoes away

Insects don’t like the smell of menthol, so you can use mouthwash to repel flies, mosquitoes, and even ants (they will just go away).

Spray your house and the places in which they can hide with a mixture of 1 part mouthwash and 1 part water.

16. Keep your flowers fresh

Put your freshly cut flowers in water. For each ½ liter pour 3 caps of mouthwash. This will help flowers last longer and look better.

See also: She Rubbed Her Armpits With A Listerine Soaked Cotton Ball . A Few Minutes Later -She Couldn’t Believe Her Eyes!

