Everyone Has Potential Cancer Cells In His Body, This Is How To Stop Them From Growing Into Tumors!

Here are a few facts which are extremely important when it comes to cancer cells that every single person needs to know. Remember, each human organism has cancer cells, that appear at least 6 times in a lifetime. But, are unidentifiable by standard analysys until they reproduce and multiply into billions.

  • In the case of a strong immune system, their multiplication is prevented.
  • Cancer cells can develop and proliferate in the absence of some important nutrients. In addition, the most common risk factors include unhealthy lifestyle habits, junk food, environment and genetics.
  • You can boost your immune system, and thus prevent the proliferation of cancer cells by eating healthy foods and supplements.
  • Chemotherapy is harmful because although actually kills fast-growing cancer cells, it also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells.
  • Chemotherapy affects the immune system, produces toxins and therefore the patient is susceptible to infection and further complications.
  • The radiation and chemo can lead to mutations of cancer cells, so that makes it extremely difficult to destroy. The cancer may spread to other parts of the body by surgery.
  • Avoiding foods that support the multiplication of cancer cells, can prevent them from becoming cancer.

Which foods are beneficial for cancer cells?

  • Cancer cells live in an acidic environment, so you should replace processed foods and meat, which increase the acidity, with chicken and fish.
  • Cancer cells feed on sugar, so you should avoid sugar completely, and you can consume honey instead, but in moderation.
  • Alkalize your body by eating seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits. Consume more vegetables and eat raw vegetables several times a day, fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes and stimulate the growth of healthy cells.
  • Supplements such as vitamin E leads to apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the essential fatty acids, beta-glucan, minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, strengthen the immune system and thus fight against cancer cells.
  • Always drink clean water, and avoid the dangerous heavy metals and toxins in tap water.
  • Drink green tea instead of coffee and chocolate that are rich in caffeine, and this tea has powerful properties that help prevent cancer.
  • So, reduce or avoid meat, so that your body can produce more enzymes, which are extremely important for attacking the protein walls of cancer cells affected. In this way, the body will be easy to fight with cancer cells.
  • Cancer cells are able to live in an environment with oxygen, so that regular exercise and deep breathing, in order to ensure sufficient supply of oxygen to the cellular level and in this way to kill the cancer cells.
  • Cancer affects your body and your spirit and mind. Therefore, we should stay positive, and have an optimistic attitude towards the treatment to fight this disease.
  • Avoid stress, bitterness, anger and sadness because they contribute to an acidic environment in your body, and relax and live your life fully satisfied happy and fulfilled.

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