This Tropical Indigenous Plant Has Potential Cancer And Infertility Curing Properties-Learn why!

Manioc or more commonly known as cassava is actually extremely big in South America, since it is normally used in drink and bread making, however, a research states that it is has potential curing properties that help with cancer and infertility issues.Additional studies shows that cassava is very important to our health because of its countless benefits offer. The leaves is rich in protein, beta carotene and lysine and the root is full of calcium and vitamin c.

Eating the plant regularly will surely improve the bone strength and resistance. Scientists have also discovered that the plant can be used as a cure for infertility, headaches and arthritis.

Health benefits of the cassava plant reports that several studies have shown that the plant can be powerful treatment against tumors. Furthermore, tapioca, an extract of the cassava has been found to be very versatile and useful in treatment of various health conditions. It can prevent diabetes, birth defects, improve the circulation and the red blood cell count, maintain the fluid balance in the body, lower cholesterol, protect the bone mineral density, improve the digestion, prevent Alzheimer’s disease, protect the cardiovascular health and aid weight gain. Some people believe that tapioca can help cure bladder, colon and prostate cancer.

Preparing cassava for consumption

The cassava plant needs to be cooked finely before consumption, as it contains a small amount of cyanide that needs to be eliminated. First, you need to peel the plant. Then, cut it into pieces, and alternate them between hot and cold water. When they’re soaked, put them in the fridge and leave them for a couple of hours. Pour the liquid in which the cassava pieces have soaked in into another liquid like a fruit juice or water, and drink the solution before breakfast every morning.

A rich source of vitamin B17 – the cancer killer

The vitamin B17 content of the cassava is the reason behind its powerful anti-cancer properties. Knowing this, Dr. Cynthia Jayasuriya, an ear, nose and throat surgeon, started investigating foods high in this vitamin when she was diagnosed with transitional cell cancer. She was struggling with the diseases for nearly a decade, when she decided to try a natural therapy when she read about the cassava on

Dr. Jayasuriya learned that the cassava is rich in this vitamin, so she started consuming for a month. She ate a total of 100 gr. of the plant three times a day. In the morning, she ate boiled cassava, while in the afternoon and evening she ate it as a curry. After a month, she did a cystoscopy which revealed no sign of the cancer!

Once the cassava plant enters the body, the vitamin B17 mixes with Rhodanese, an enzyme which breaks down the vitamin into three sugars. The cancer cell is an immature cell which has a different enzyme, beta-glucosidase, which breaks vitamin B17 into glucose, benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid. The acid acts as a LTTE cyanide capsule, effectively killing the cancer cell.

If the vitamin combines with the cancer cell enzyme, it breaks down to 1 sugar, 1 benzaldehyde and 1 hydrocyanic acid, which kills the cancer cell locally.

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