How To Get Rid Of The Acne on Your Butt

In accordance to Jamie MacKelfresh, MD, an associate teacher of dermatology at the Emory College School of Medicine in Atlanta, “The Acne on the butt is not the similar acne that you obtain on your face, upper body, or back.” An outbreak of acne on the butt generally comes from one of two frequent issues:

  • Folliculitis

Folliculitis is an outbreak of acne triggered by irritation of hair follicles, usually an infections from candida, bacterias, fungus infection, obstruction of hair follicles, or irritability of hair follicles. It appears on skin`s surface area and the bumps show up to be shallow.

  • Carbuncles

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, these boils are more painful and go deeper in the skin. It results from uncontrollable folliculitis, which leads to a deeper and more serious infection.

The good news is that following a few steps helps get rid of the annoying blemished on the buttocks. Check them out!

1. Watch Your Diet

According to a few recent studies, diets high in processed foods and refined sugar contribute to the development of acne. On the other hand, consuming healthy fats keeps the skin healthy and clear. Some of those include:

  • Coconut oil
  • Avocados
  • Tree nuts

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells and is one of the best treatments for acne prone skin. There are a few types of exfoliating brushed on the market, and each of them comes with a different level of roughness. Finding the right brush effectively exfoliates the skin without making it irritated, which in turn helps eliminate pimples on the buttocks.

3. Allow the Skin To Breathe

Wearing tight clothes stimulates the natural process of sweating, allowing bacteria to infect the pores. Therefore, changing your clothing on a regularly basis, such as changing your yoga pants right after working out, is extremely important as the skin needs air to stay dry and healthy.

4. Natural Acne Fighters

Ultimately, there are a few simple ingredients which have been shown to be very effective in combating pimples. Some of those natural treatments include:

  • Using a skin mask made out of egg whites
  • Cleansing the skin with lemon juice
  • Applying fresh aloe gel
  • Applying wet baking soda as a mask on the bottom
  • Applying tea tree oil to the skin throughout the day
  • Moisturizing with coconut oil

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